Number of Teams:- 2/3
Hon. Secretary:- Mike Willmore, 91 Ginnell Fram Av, Rochdale OL16 4GF
Tel: (M) 07398 102032 Email: [email protected]
Other club contacts:- Simon Lord Tel: (H) 01706 355536. (M) 07759 162542
Ground Details:- All teams: Burton Park, Claremont Road, off Bury Road,
Rochdale. OL11 5EX
Dressing Rooms:- on ground
Route to Ground:- All teams: From Rochdale town centre: leaving Rochdale
along The Esplanade at the traffic lights follow the signs for Blackburn (A6060)
along Dane Street. At the next traffic lights follow Bury signs (B6222) turning left
into Bury Road; after approx. 1/2 mile turn right into Claremont Road. The
ground is situated on the right hand side approx. 150 yards along Claremont Road.
From the M62 - Leave M62 at junction 20, and follow the signs for Rochdale along
the A627(M). At the traffic lights follow Rochdale signs onto Edinburgh Way
(A664) and at the large set of traffic lights follow signs for Blackburn (B6452)
along Roch Valley Way. At the traffic lights facing the Cemetery Public House turn
right into Bury Road. Take first left into Claremont Road and the ground is
situated on the right hand side approx. 150 yards along Claremont Road.
Colours (including alternatives):- All teams: white shirts, black shorts and socks.
Alt: 1st XI: Yellow shirts, white shorts and yellow socks. 2nd & 3rd XI: Orange
shirts, black shorts and gold socks
Number of Teams:- 2/3
Hon. Secretary:- Mike Willmore, 91 Ginnell Fram Av, Rochdale OL16 4GF
Tel: (M) 07398 102032 Email: [email protected]
Other club contacts:- Simon Lord Tel: (H) 01706 355536. (M) 07759 162542
Ground Details:- All teams: Burton Park, Claremont Road, off Bury Road,
Rochdale. OL11 5EX
Dressing Rooms:- on ground
Route to Ground:- All teams: From Rochdale town centre: leaving Rochdale
along The Esplanade at the traffic lights follow the signs for Blackburn (A6060)
along Dane Street. At the next traffic lights follow Bury signs (B6222) turning left
into Bury Road; after approx. 1/2 mile turn right into Claremont Road. The
ground is situated on the right hand side approx. 150 yards along Claremont Road.
From the M62 - Leave M62 at junction 20, and follow the signs for Rochdale along
the A627(M). At the traffic lights follow Rochdale signs onto Edinburgh Way
(A664) and at the large set of traffic lights follow signs for Blackburn (B6452)
along Roch Valley Way. At the traffic lights facing the Cemetery Public House turn
right into Bury Road. Take first left into Claremont Road and the ground is
situated on the right hand side approx. 150 yards along Claremont Road.
Colours (including alternatives):- All teams: white shirts, black shorts and socks.
Alt: 1st XI: Yellow shirts, white shorts and yellow socks. 2nd & 3rd XI: Orange
shirts, black shorts and gold socks