Number of Teams: 2
Hon. Secretary:- David Oss, 25 Meadowcroft, Radcliffe M26 4JP
Tel: 07818 288324 Email: [email protected]
Other club contacts:- 1st XI Steve Davidge Tel 07786 468802, 2nd XI Tony Clarke Tel: 07800 505571,
Ground Details:- Hollinhurst Playing Fields, Beech Street, Radcliffe M26 1GH
Would teams please avoid parking on the left, outside residents houses.
Dressing Rooms:- On ground.
Route to Ground:- From M60 leave at junction 17 and follow A56 towards
Whitefield Turn left onto A665 Higher Lane, then left onto A667, right onto Stand
Lane at mini-roundabout. Beech Street is after Bar One pub on the right.
From Farnworth take the A667 toward Whitefield. Turn left onto Stand Lane at
mini-roundabout. Beech Street is after Bar One pub on the right.
From Radcliffe on A665 turn right into Stand Lane at lights and go up the hill.
Beech Street is on left before Bar One pub.
Colours (including alternatives):- 1st team home: blue shirts, black shorts
and light blue socks. Away: red shirts, black shorts, red socks.
2nd team home: Maroon shirts, shorts and socks; Away: Yellow and Blue Shirts